Thinking about applying

You can apply to the National Redress Scheme up to 30 June 2027.

It is normal to feel nervous or distressed about the idea of applying.

We have designed the application process hoping it will not cause further distress. There still might be times when this process is difficult.

Support is available

You may want to think about talking to someone you know and trust to give you support. You can also get support through the Redress Support Services.

These services can provide you with:

  • emotional support
  • help filling in the application form
  • when considering an offer of redress
  • legal advice, and
  • help managing your financial situation.

If you would rather talk to someone to learn more about the application process and how it may work for you, you can call the National Redress Scheme on 1800 737 377 Mon to Fri 8am to 5pm. If you are overseas, please call +61 3 6222 3455 and press 7 to be transferred to the National Redress Scheme.

There are 3 steps to make an application:

  1. Deciding to apply
  2. Filling in the application
  3. Confirming your identity

Step 1 - Deciding to apply

This information might help you to decide about applying:

  • Find out if you are eligible to apply
  • You can only apply for the National Redress Scheme once.
  • You will need to choose between the applying to the National Redress Scheme or taking civil litigation against an institution, as it will not be possible to continue or take civil action against an institution if you are offered and accept redress. Visit Who can apply for more information, or contact knowmore to discuss your options.
  • You may need to consider how a redress payment could affect your finances, especially if you receive other government payments.
  • You can withdraw your application up until an offer is made to you in writing.
  • Learn more about how your personal information is used by the National Redress Scheme.
  • If you are terminally ill or elderly, your application can be actioned quickly so you can receive redress as soon as possible.
    • The National Redress Scheme may offer an advance payment of redress for some elderly or terminally ill applicants. You do not need to ask for this payment, you will be contacted if you are eligible.

Step 2 - Filling in the application

Before you start your application, you might like to think about who could give you support. If you would like support you could speak to someone you already know and trust, or Redress Support Services can help.

If you would like this person to talk to the National Redress Scheme on your behalf, you can arrange to have a nominee.

If you have any questions about applying for redress please call the National Redress Scheme on 1800 737 377 Mon to Fri 8am - 5pm. If you are overseas, please call +61 3 6222 3455 and press 7 to be transferred to the National Redress Scheme.

How to apply

It's your choice how you apply. You can apply online or by paper, and you won’t be asked about your experience in front of a person or panel.

You can either:

When filling in the application form, you can use the Redress Application Guidebook. It contains further information about the National Redress Scheme, and may help you understand or answer questions about your experience of child sexual abuse.

A copy of the application form and guidebook can also be sent to you by calling us on 1800 737 377 Mon to Fri 8am - 5pm. If you are overseas, please call +61 3 6222 3455 and press 7 to be transferred to the National Redress Scheme.

What you need to apply

To apply, you need to:

  • Decide if you prefer to apply online or by paper. They ask the same questions.
  • Complete all three parts of the application. You can attach copies of supporting documents if you have them, but you will still need to complete the application.
  • Complete a new Part 2 for each institution you are seeking redress from. You can download extra copies of Part 2 from our website, or call us for a copy to be mailed to you.
  • Confirm your identity.
  • Sign and date the form.
    • If applying online via myGov you can fill in this form and sign it digitally.
    • If you have downloaded the fillable PDF form you can use your electronic signature in ADOBE reader.
  • Make and keep a copy of your signed application form for your records.
  • You can apply in your own time and pace. If applying online you can complete the application in multiple sessions if you wish.
  • Be as thorough as you can. While you can provide updates or submit a new application, once a determination is made, you cannot apply for redress again.

** From 3 December 2023, we will be using an updated design of the Application for Redress form. We will continue to accept earlier versions of the form where it is completed, signed and dated.

What’s inside the application form?

Part 1 – About you

This part asks for information about:

  • your name, date of birth and contact details
  • your eligibility for the National Redress Scheme
  • your identity
  • if you have requirements to help us support you when applying

You need to answer all questions in Part 1.

Part 2 – Your experience of sexual abuse

This part will ask questions about your experience of child sexual abuse and related abuse for each institution.

We understand this information is sensitive and may be difficult to write about. If you need it, please seek support to fill in Part 2.

If you apply for redress for more than one institution, you will need to fill in a new Part 2 for each institution by following the instructions in the application form and accompanying Redress Application Guidebook.

Part 2 will ask you to:

  • identify the institution, such as its name (that you know), what type of institution it was, when it operated, when you were there, and where it was located,
  • write about the person/s who abused you for each institution and how they came into contact with you at the institution,
  • answer with as much detail as you can about the experience of sexual abuse. The Redress Application Guidebook has more information to help you, and
  • tell us about any payments you received from the institution or another Scheme for the abuse you experienced at the institution.

Part 3 – Impacts of sexual abuse

This part will ask about the impacts of your experience of sexual abuse on your life.

We understand this information is sensitive and may be difficult to write about. If you need it, please seek support to fill in Part 3.

This part will ask you:

  • if you agree to share your impacts of the experience of sexual abuse with the institutions identified as responsible (it is okay if you do not want to share this information), and
  • to describe the impacts you have experienced to help inform a determination of redress.

You need to answer this question, however, you can choose if this information is provided to relevant institutions. If you don’t want this information to be provided to institutions please indicate this when prompted at question 46 of the application form.

Note: The Commonwealth, state and territory governments, and institutions are required to share information with police or child protection authorities in certain circumstances, such as an alleged abuser is in the community, or if a child is at risk. Please see our Privacy Notice for more information about how and when information can be disclosed.

Statements and declaration

  • You will need to sign and date the application form to tell the Scheme you have read the statements and declaration.
  • The statement includes information that you have read and understood the Privacy Notice outlined in the Redress Application Guidebook and available from our website.
  • It also includes information that it is an offence to provide false or misleading information and statements in a redress application and penalties may apply.

If we receive your application form without your signature, or the date it was signed, we will contact you.

If you cannot sign the form either in writing or electronically using our fillable PDF form, please call us on 1800 737 377.


There is a checklist at the back of the application so you can make sure your application is complete.

Redress application identifier

The Scheme will create a unique identification number for your application; this is your Redress ID.

Please keep a record of this number, as it will help if you need to make changes or ask questions about your application.

Getting help to apply or having someone else apply for you

Under the National Redress Scheme, your redress nominee can help you to apply.

A redress nominee is a person or an organisation who can act on your behalf with the National Redress Scheme.

There are two types of redress nominees, an Assistance Nominee or Legal Nominee.

Only an appointed redress legal nominee can apply for redress on your behalf.

If you choose to have a redress nominee, you and your nominee will need to fill in the Redress Nominee Form. Your nominee will also need to confirm their identity with the Scheme before they can be appointed.

More information on nominees.

Step 3 - Confirm your identity

Confirming your identity is one way your privacy and information is protected. The Redress Application Guidebook also has more information about how to confirm your identity with the Scheme.

There are options for confirming your identity for the National Redress Scheme.

Use your Centrelink Customer Reference Number (CRN) or Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) Number

If you choose to use your CRN or DVA number, we will call you to ask some questions about your identity and to discuss next steps. In most cases, we can confirm your identity over the phone.

If you need to lodge a document, provide identity documents or have any questions about the National Redress Scheme, you can call us on 1800 737 377 Mon to Fri 8am - 5pm. If you are overseas, please call +61 3 6222 3455 and press 7 to be transferred to the National Redress Scheme.

If calling from overseas outside of Australian Eastern Time (AET) business hours, you will be asked to leave a voice mail message and we will return your call as soon as possible.

I do not have a CRN or DVA number

If you do not have a CRN or DVA number or choose not to use it,  please contact the National Redress Scheme on 1800 737 377 Mon to Fri 8am - 5pm.  If you are overseas, please call +61 3 6222 3455 and press 7 to be transferred to the National Redress Scheme.

If calling from overseas outside of Australian Eastern Time (AET) business hours, you will be asked to leave a voice mail message and we will return your call as soon as possible.

What if I don’t have identity documents?

It may be difficult for some people to confirm their identity. In some circumstances, we can help you arrange alternative ways to confirm your identity with the Scheme.

If you need help to find or provide your identity documents, please contact the National Redress Scheme on 1800 737 377 Mon to Fri 8am - 5pm. If you are overseas, please call +61 3 6222 3455 and press 7 to be transferred to the National Redress Scheme.

A list of acceptable identity documents is available in the Redress Application Guidebook.

Words used on this page

The application is available online or by paper. You can make an application at any time between now and 30 June 2027.
Assistance nominee
You can ask someone to help you apply to the National Redress Scheme. This person is called an Assistance Nominee. They need to fill in an Assistance Nominee form.
A child is a person under the age of 18.
Child Sexual Abuse
Under the Scheme, child sexual abuse is when someone involves a person under the age of 18 in sexual activities that they do not understand, or that are against community standards.
The Customer Reference Number used for accessing or verifying a Centrelink account
Independent Decision Maker
Independent Decision makers will consider applications for redress. They are highly experienced people from a range of backgrounds.
An institution means an organisation, such as a school, a church, parish, mission, a club, an orphanage or Children’s Home; or government department.
Institutional Child Sexual Abuse
When the child sexual abuse occurred, for example, on the premises of an institution, or where activities of an institution took place (such as a camp), or by an official of an institution.
Legal Nominee
A person who can apply for and accept an offer of redress on your behalf. For example, a power of attorney. They need to fill in the Redress Nominee Form.
myGov is a secure way to access government services online with one login and one password.
National Redress Scheme
The Australian Government set up the National Redress Scheme to provide redress to people who experienced institutional child sexual abuse. The offer of redress can include: access to counselling, a redress payment and a direct personal response.
Non-sexual abuse
Includes physical abuse, psychological abuse and neglect.
Redress means acknowledging harm done. The National Redress Scheme provides counselling, a direct personal response and a Redress payment.
Related non-sexual abuse
Includes physical abuse, psychological abuse and neglect related to the occurrence of sexual abuse.
The National Redress Scheme for people who experienced institutional child sexual abuse. See National Redress Scheme.
Statutory declaration
A written statement that you are providing true information. This is signed in front of an authorised witness.
To stop an application being considered by the Independent Decision Maker and National Redress Scheme.