National Redress Scheme – Update

This is the final National Redress Scheme (the Scheme) update of 2023. The update includes details about:

  • the introduction of the National Redress Scheme Amendment Bill 2023 into Parliament
  • the new Application for Redress Form and Application Guidebook
  • changes to eligibility for former Child Migrants from the United Kingdom and Malta
  • the Scheme’s data regarding application processing and participating institutions.

The end of the year can be a difficult time for many people. Please be aware this update contains material that could be confronting or distressing. Sometimes words or images can cause sadness or distress, or trigger traumatic memories – particularly for people who have experienced past abuse or childhood trauma.

Support is available to help you if you need it. To find out more, go to

If you need immediate support, 24-hour telephone assistance is available through:

Note: The National Redress Scheme’s 1800 737 377 phone number will be closed on Monday 25 December 2023, Tuesday 26 December 2023 and Monday 1 January 2024.

Introduction of the National Redress Scheme Amendment Bill 2023

On Wednesday 15 November 2023, the Minister for Social Services, the Hon Amanda Rishworth MP, introduced the National Redress Scheme for Institutional Child Sexual Abuse Amendment Bill 2023 into Parliament. If passed, this Bill will implement outstanding measures from the Australian Government’s response to the Final Report of the Second Year Review of the National Redress Scheme.

The Bill proposes key changes to improve the Scheme by:

  • enabling applicants to provide additional information when requesting a review of a redress determination
  • reducing the circumstances where applicants need to undertake the special assessment process
  • allowing for the reassessment of finalised applications, if a relevant institution later joins the Scheme
  • removing restrictions that prevent incarcerated survivors from lodging an application.

The Bill will also foster more transparent and streamlined practices through changes to protected information provisions and improve technical aspects of funder of last resort provisions.

The National Redress Scheme will continue to provide updates as they become available.

New Application for Redress Form and Redress Application Guidebook

The National Redress Scheme has introduced a new application form and application guidebook, from Sunday 3 December 2023.

Improvements to the application form were developed in consultation with survivors and support services to try minimise any distress caused by applying and to simplify the application process.

The Scheme will continue to accept applications submitted on previous versions of the form where they are completed and signed correctly.

Draft applications in myGov have been automatically updated to the new application form. Those affected will receive a message the first time they log back into their myGov account after this transition and will be directed to review their saved responses.

The Redress Application Guidebook can help you understand changes to the form, respond to questions and access more information or support.

Part 2 of the application form is also now available as a separate download. A new Part 2 must be completed for each institution in your application.

Access these new materials by:

The new application form will not affect how your application is assessed. Applications submitted before 3 December 2023 are not affected.

If you have any feedback, you can send us your thoughts online or write to us at: National Redress Scheme Feedback, GPO Box 9820, Canberra ACT, 2601.

Changes to eligibility for former Child Migrants from the United Kingdom and Malta

From 29 November 2023, some former child migrants are now eligible to apply to the National Redress Scheme.

You can now apply if you are a former child migrant who:

  • is not currently an Australian citizen or permanent resident,
  • was sent to Australia from the United Kingdom or Malta prior to 1984,
  • arrived in Australia without a parent or guardian, and
  • were made a ward of the state.

More information on these changes can be found in Part 4B of the National Redress Scheme for Institutional Child Sexual Abuse Amendment (Eligibility for Redress of Former Child Migrants) Rules 2023.

The Child Migrants Trust is a Redress Support Service that provides specialist social work services to former child migrants. You can contact them on 1800 04 05 09 (toll free within Australia) or via the Child Migrants Trust website.

You can also call the National Redress Scheme on 1800 737 377 Mon to Fri 8am to 5pm. If you are overseas, please call +61 3 6222 3455 and press 7 to be transferred to the National Redress Scheme.

Scheme data

As at 15 December 2023, there have been 34,582 applications to the Scheme. We have contacted 15,911 applicants to advise them of the outcome of their application.

Of all applications:

  • 14,674 have been finalised (determined as either eligible or ineligible, with offers of Redress either accepted or declined)
  • 13,846 payments have been made totalling approximately $1.232 billion dollars
  • 1,312 have been withdrawn by the applicant
  • 18,596 applications are on hand with the Scheme, of which:
    • 1,064 are with applicants, awaiting a decision on their offer of Redress
    • 1,075 are with institutions, awaiting a response to a Request for Information
    • 5,214 are on hold (for different reasons, such as at the request of the applicant, where further information has been requested from the applicant, where there is difficulty contacting the applicant or due to a non-participating institution)
    • 11,243 are in progress with the Scheme, of which:
      • 8,991 are being actioned
      • 2,252 are temporarily unable to be actioned (for reasons such as awaiting contact from the applicant, or awaiting extra information).

Participating institutions

The Australian Government encourages all institutions who have a history of interacting with children to sign up to the Scheme as soon as possible.

When a new institution joins the Scheme or the status of a participating institution changes, the Minister signs a Declaration – an official list of all participating institutions.

As of Declaration 6 of 2023 (signed by the Minister on 28 November 2023):

  • all Australian Government institutions, state and territory government institutions and 506 non-government institutions are now participating in the Scheme.
  • approximately 70,000 sites across Australia are now covered by the Scheme.
  • approximately 109 unique institutions have been declared under the Funder of Last Resort (FOLR) arrangements.
    • These institutions are defunct and the Australian Government and/or relevant state or territory governments are the FOLR.

The Declarations are available on the Federal Register of Legislation:

For the latest information about institutions, visit our website:

Find out more

For further information about the Scheme, go to or call 1800 737 377 Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm from Australia. If you are overseas, please call +61 2 6222 3455 and then press 7 to be transferred to the National Redress Scheme.

For regular updates about the Department of Social Services and the Scheme, you can ‘like’ or ‘follow’ the Australian Families Facebook page: